Node Settings

Commands entered via Command-line do not override the settings of your beam-node.cfg file.

The beam-node.cfg file loads all the settings not dictated by the Command-line. To revert to the original settings of yourbeam-node.cfgfile, manually restart your Beam node.

Users can adjust and configure node settings via the Command Line or by editing thebeam-node.cfg file (located in the node_folder).

Node settings (parameters)

Node options (parameters)

Node options can be plugged directly into thebeam-node.cfgfile or enter them via the command line.

Beam uses an Equihash mining algorithm with (150,5) parameters and a customized data path that is inefficiently mined on CPUs.

Node options (continued)

Make running your local node in fast sync mode easier with the following command:

./beam-node --port=10000,,, --fast_sync=on

Last updated