Troubleshooting CLI

The command line troubleshooting guide.


I am gettingerror code=26, file is not a databaseerror message when starting the command line wallet

Refer to your computer terminal:

I 2018-12-23.17:32:34.619 Rules signature: ddccf5d8d0f77bd2
I 2018-12-23.17:32:34.620 starting a wallet...
Enter password: ***
D 2018-12-23.17:32:36.664 sqlite error code=26, file is not a database
E 2018-12-23.17:32:36.665 Wallet data unreadable, restore wallet.db from latest backup or delete it and reinitialize the wallet

Diagnosis: You have submitted an incorrect password. The wallet can not decrypt the database file, which is why it reports that data is unreadable. If you are certain you are using the correct wallet password, delete the wallet database and perform a wallet restoration from your seed phrase.

I am getting theFailed. No inputsexception when starting the command line wallet

Refer to your computer terminal:

I 2018-12-23.17:45:12.529 Rules signature: ddccf5d8d0f77bd2
I 2018-12-23.17:45:12.530 starting a wallet...
Enter password: *
I 2018-12-23.17:45:13.226 wallet sucessfully opened...
I 2018-12-23.17:45:13.228 WalletID 14a38140d8e66be9b8f1e8d770161fd33e35f7000053147b5a0f6a83178926b956 subscribes to BBS channel 20
I 2018-12-23.17:45:13.271 [9edc454f2752461eb682f21c4efbd33e] Sending 10 beams  (fee: 0 groth )
E 2018-12-23.17:45:13.272 You only have 0 groth
E 2018-12-23.17:45:13.273 [9edc454f2752461eb682f21c4efbd33e] exception msg:
E 2018-12-23.17:45:13.273 [9edc454f2752461eb682f21c4efbd33e] Failed. No inputs
I 2018-12-23.17:45:13.293 [9edc454f2752461eb682f21c4efbd33e] Transaction failed. Rollback...

Diagnosis: This error most commonly occurs when sending a transaction with insufficient funds. You can not send an amount of Beam that is greater than the total balance in your wallet.

Last updated